Preventing Bank Scams and Fraud

September 12, 2023

Currently, technology has reshaped the global scenario and, consequently, the banking sector, making it more accessible. However, this advancement has also given rise to notable challenges, exemplified by the rise of fraudulent practices and banking scams.

Dessa forma, discutiremos nesse artigo quais são as medidas essenciais que as instituições e seus clientes podem adotar para prevenir e combater fraudes e golpes bancários?

What are the Main Types of Fraud and Banking Scams?

Fraudsters and scammers have perfected their tactics to exploit loopholes in the banking system, below are some of the most common types of fraud:

  • Phishing: cybercrime in which criminals attempt to obtain personal data, passwords, card numbers, among others, through false messages, such as emails or text messages, pretending to be trustworthy companies or individuals.
  • Card Cloning
  • Identity theft
  • Document Forgery
  • Fraud Ticket

These scams and forgeries can result in significant financial losses for institutions and customers.

The Brazilian Federation of Banks (FEBRABAN) also warns about other types of scams and frauds that have grown significantly in recent years, according to news published in the link:

What are the measures for Internal Prevention?

Banking institutions must implement strict internal measures. This includes adopting advanced suspicious activity detection systems that monitor unusual transactions and behavior. Additionally, the application of multi-step authentication systems, such as two-factor authentication (2FA), helps ensure that only legitimate account holders have access to their accounts.

It is common for banking institutions to offer guidance and recommendations on their websites to avoid such scams and fraud.

Customer Awareness

To ensure the prevention of such actions and scams, it is essential that banking institutions provide clear information about the risks associated with activities such as sharing passwords, disclosing personal information, accessing suspicious links and promoting careful checking of all documents received.

Therefore, making customers aware of these dangers plays a key role in mitigating such threats.

Technology and the Future of Fraud Prevention

Technology plays a crucial role in preventing banking fraud, as data analytics and artificial intelligence are being used to identify suspicious behavior patterns and transaction abnormalities.

Additionally, innovations such as biometrics, which utilize a customer's unique physical characteristics for authentication, are gaining prominence as a secure identity verification measure.


Therefore, preventing fraud and scams in banking law is a constant action that requires coordinated efforts from institutions, customers and authorities. The adoption of internal measures, customer awareness and the application of innovative technologies are crucial steps to protect financial assets and maintain trust in the banking system.

So, by remaining vigilant and adopting safe practices, we can mitigate risks and ensure a safer financial environment for everyone.

Are you in doubt? Before completing any procedure, ensure that you have followed all recommended safety measures.

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